Senin, 24 September 2018 14:17

History of the Biology Master Program

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Early History

The Master's Program/S2 Biology Department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) was established in 1994. The establishment of the S2 Biology Program was in response to the need for further education, as at that time, there was no S2 Biology program in Sumatra. With the agreement of the faculty council, the Biology Department opened the Master's Program/S2 Biology, which was initiated by several professors, including Prof. Dr. Nurdin Muhammad Suin, MS (the first Coordinator of the S2 Biology Program), Prof. Dr. Marlis Rahman, M.SC; Prof. Dr. Sitti Salmah, Prof. Syahridal Dahlan, and others.

The first postgraduate program at Andalas University was affiliated with Bogor Agricultural University, initiated by Prof. Dr. Ir. Yurnalis Kamil, M.Sc (Andalas University) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Handi Hakim Nasution, M.Sc, which led to the establishment of the Andalas University Postgraduate Program. The Agricultural Master's Program was then established, followed by other master's programs at Andalas University. In 1994, the S2 Biology Program was established, along with the Chemistry Master's Program, which was part of the Andalas University Postgraduate Program. At that time, each master's program was managed by a postgraduate coordinator appointed by the Rector. Before the S2 Biology program was moved from the Andalas University Postgraduate Program to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the coordinator was Prof. Dr. Syamsuardi, M.Sc. With the regulation of the Rector of Andalas University number 2 of 2012 regarding the implementation of Monodisciplinary and Oligodisciplinary Postgraduate Study Programs, all master's programs in FMIPA, including Biology, are managed by the Dean of FMIPA.

Implementation of the Master's Program in Biology under FMIPA UNAND

The first implementation of the S2 Biology Program under the management of the Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Edison Munaf, M.Eng, began in 2013. Each S2 Program was led by a coordinator selected by the Master's faculty and proposed to the Rector. The first coordinator of the postgraduate program in Biology was Prof. Dr. Dahelmi, MS (Rector of Andalas University Decree Number: 660/III/D/UNAND-2013 dated March 25, 2013, regarding the appointment of the Coordinator of the Biology Department's Postgraduate Program for 2013-2017).

From 2013 to 2015, administrative activities were carried out in one of the FMIPA UNAND Secretariat rooms under the coordination of the FMIPA Postgraduate Coordinator chaired by Prof. Dr. Syumaryati Syukur, M.Eng, and secretary Dr. Zozy Aneloi Noli, MP. Each master's program was coordinated by the postgraduate coordinator of the respective department, and the S2 Biology Program was managed by Prof. Dr. Dahelmi. At that time, some lectures had been moved to FMIPA, there was a dean's room, and the S2 Biology Program was taught on the third floor of the department, and the postgraduate lecture room was still used.

The results of the Management Meeting and evaluation of the learning process of Master's Program students by the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) for the period of 2016-2020, Prof. Dr. Mansyurdin, MS, produced brilliant ideas and new hopes for the implementation of the learning process. The evaluation results of the learning process management, which was coordinated by the faculty coordinator, turned out to be inefficient. With the dean's policy that the management of the four Master's Programs in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics is now under the supervision of their respective departments.

The Master's Program in Biology in 2017 was coordinated by the Head of the Master's Program in Biology, Dr. Jabang Nurdin, M.Si (Rector of Universitas Andalas Decree No.: 981/III/D/UNAND-2017 dated March 3, 2017, regarding the Appointment of the Head of the Master's Program in Biology at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Andalas, for the period of 2017-2021). The Master's Program in Biology is implemented under the department head, along with the Bachelor's and Doctoral Programs.

Starting in 2016, under the leadership of Dean Prof. Dr. Mansyurdin, after the Faculty of Pharmacy moved to a new building, with the dean's successful negotiation, some of the pharmacy building was used for graduate courses in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, including seminar rooms and courses at the dean's office have been moved to the new building. The central graduate courses room is still used for graduate courses in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

The Master's Program in Biology has a first B accreditation certificate, dated August 11, 1998, based on the Ministerial Decree through BAN-PT No.: 01259/Ak-I.1/UADBLI/VIII/1998 valid until August 11, 2003. In 2003, thanks to the hard work of the academic community of the Biology Department, FMIPA Unand won the TPSDP Batch III grant (2003-2006) for the development of the study program and the development of teaching staff in accordance with the new paradigm and Long-term Higher Education Development Framework. This was followed by the second accreditation on May 29, 2009, based on BAN-PT No. 003/BAN-PT/Ak-VIII/S2/V/2009 valid until 2014. At the time, the Master's Program in Biology was managed under the Central Graduate School, Univ. Andalas. Since 2013, the Master's Program in Biology and Doctoral Program in Biology, which were previously under the Graduate Program at Unand, have been relocated under FMIPA UNAND. The Master's Program in Biology applied for re-accreditation with a B accreditation certificate, which was valid from November 2, 2014, to November 1, 2019, based on BAN-PT No. 038/BAN-PT/Akred/M/XI/2014.




Sejarah Awal

Program Magister/Prodi S2   Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA), yang pada mulanya berdiri  pada tahun 1994. Lahirnya Prodi S2 Biologi dalam rangka kebutuhan pendidikan lebih lanjut dan pada saat itu Prodi S2 Biologi belum ada di Sumatera. Dengan kesepakatan dewan dosen, Jurusan Biologi membuka Program Magister/Prodi S2 Biologi yang digagas oleh beberapa dosen Prof. Dr. Nurdin Muhammad Suin, MS (Koordinator Program S2 Biologi pertama), Prof. Dr. Marlis Rahman, M.SC; Prof. Dr. Sitti salmah, Prof. Syahridal Dahlan, dkk.

Pasca sarjana Unand pertama kali beraviliasi dengan Institut Pertanian Bogor yang digagas oleh Prof. Dr. Ir. Yurnalis Kamil, M.Sc (Unand) dengan Prof. Dr. Ir. Handi Hakim Nasution, M.Sc dan terbentuk Pascasarjana Unand. Bersamaan dengan itu, berdirilah Program Magister Pertanian, kemudian diikuti program magister lainnya di UNAND.  Kemudian pada pada tahun 1994, berdiri Prodi S2 Biologi bersamaan dengan program magister Kimia, yang berada pada Program Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas. Masing-masing program studi magister pada saat itu, dikelola oleh koordinator pasca yang diangkat oleh Rektor. Sebelum kepindahan Prodi S2 Biologi dari Program Pascasarjana Universitas Andalas ke   Fakultas MIPA koordinatornya adalah Prof. Dr. Syamsuardi, M.Sc. Dengan adanya peraturan Rektor Universitas Andalas nomor 2 tahun 2012 tentang penyelenggaraan Program Studi Pascasarjana Monodisiplin dan Oligodisplin semua program studi magister FMIPA pengelolaanya dibawah dekan FMIPA termasuk Biologi.


Pelaksanaan Program Magister Biologi dibawah FMIPA Unand

Penyelenggaraan Prodi S2 Biologi pertama dibawah pengelolaan Dekan FMIPA  Prof. Dr. Edison Munaf, M.Eng dimulai pada tahun 2013. Masing-masing   Program Studi S2 dipimpin oleh koordinator yang dipilih oleh dosen Magister dan diusulkan ke rektor. Koordinator program pascasarjana Biologi pertama Prof. Dr. Dahelmi, MS (SK Rektor Universitar Andalas Nomor: 660/III/D/UNAND-2013 Tanggal 25 Maret 2013, tentang Pengangkatan Koordinator Program Pascasarjana Jurusan Biologi 2013-2017.


Selang tahun 2013 – 2015  kegiatan administrasi perkantoran dilakukan pada salah satu ruangan Sekretariat FMIPA UNAND dibawah Koordinator Pascasarjana MIPA dengan ketua Prof. Dr. Syumaryati syukur, M. Eng dan sekretaris Dr. Zozy Aneloi Noli, MP. Program Magister masing-masing jurusan dikoordinir oleh koordinator pasca jurusan dan Prodi S2 Biologi dibawah pengelolaan Prof. Dr. Dahelmi. Pada kondisi ini, perkuliah sebagian sudah dipindahkan ke MIPA, ada ruangan dekanat, dan untuk Prodi S2 Biologi kuliah dilantai tiga jurusan dan ruangan kuliah Pascasarjana masih juga digunakan.

Hasil Management Matting dan evaluasi proses pembelajaran mahasiswa Program Magister oleh dekan FMIPA Periode 2016-2020 Prof. Dr. Mansyurdin, MS, menghasilkan pemikiran yang cemerlang dan ada harapan baru untuk penyelenggaraan proses pembelajaran. Hasil evaluasi tentang penyelenggaraan proses pembelajaran yang dikoordinir oleh koordinator fakultas ternyata kurang efisien. Dengan kebijakan dekan bahwa ke empat Program Magister Biologi, Kimia, Fisika dan Matematika sekarang pengelolaannya dibawah Jurusan masing-masing.

Prodi S2 Biologi pada tahun 2017, dikoordinir oleh Ka-Prodi S2 Biologi Dr. Jabang Nurdin, M.Si (SK Rektor Universitar Andalas Nomor: 981/III/D/UNAND-2017 Tanggal 3 Maret 2017, tentang Pengangkatan Ketua program studi S2 Biologi Fakultas MIPA Universitas Andalas, periode  2017-2021). Program Studi S2 Biologi pelaksanaan dibawah ketua Jurusan bersamaan dengan program studi  S1 dan program studi S3. 

            Mulai tahun 2016, dibawah kepemimpinan Dekan Prof. Dr. Mansyurdin, setelah Fakultas Farmasi pindah ke gedung baru, dengan keberhasilan negosiasi dekan sehingga sebagian gedung farmasi sudah digunakan untuk perkuliah Pascasarjana MIPA, termasuk ruang seminar dan perkuliah di dekanat sudah dialihkan ke gedung baru tersebut. Ruang perkuliah Pascasarjana pusat masih digunakan untuk perkuliah pascasarjan MIPA


Prodi S2 Biologi memiliki sertifikat akreditasi B pertama, pada tanggal 11 Agustus 1998, berdasarkan SK Menteri melalui BAN-PT No.:01259/Ak-I.1/UADBLI/VIII/1998 berlaku hingga 11 Agustus 1998 sampai dengan 11 Agustus 2003. Tahun 2003 berkat kerja keras sivitas akademika Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA Unand berhasil memenangkan grant TPSDP Batch III (2003-2006) untuk pengembangan program studi dan pengembangan staf dosen sesuai dengan paradigma baru dan Kerangka Pengembangan Perguruan Tinggi Jangka Panjang. Kemudian dilanjutkan Akreditasi kedua pada tanggal 29 Mei 2009 berdasarkan SK BAN-PT No.003/BAN-PT/Ak-VIII/S2/V/2009 hingga 2014. Pada saat Prodi S2 Biologi pengelolaannya berada pada Pascasarjana Pusat, Univ. Andalas. Sejak tahun 2013, Prodi S2 Biologi dan Doktor Biologi yang sebelumnya berada di bawah Program Pascasarjana Unand, dialihkan posisinya menjadi di bawah FMIPA UNAND. ProDI S2 Biologi kembali mengajukan reakreditasi dengan sertifikat akreditasi B, yang berlaku sejak tanggal 02 November 2014 sampai dengan 01 November 2019 berdasarkan SK BAN-PT No.038/BAN-PT/Akred/M/XI/2014.


Pimpinan Program Magister Biologi FMIPA UNAND

Semenjak didirikan pada tahun 1994 sampai 2017, Prodi S2 Biologi FMIPA UNAND dikelola oleh delapan masa kepemimpinan rincian  dengan periode dan jabatan adalah sebagai berikut:









Prof. Nurdin M. Suin, MS

Koordinator Pasca Biologi




Prof. Nurdin M. Suin, MS

Koordinator Pasca Biologi




Prof. Dr. Mansyurdin, MS

Koordinator Pasca Biologi




Prof. Dr. Mansyurdin, MS

Koordinator Pasca Biologi




Prof. Dr. Syamsuardi, M.Sc

Koordinator Pasca Biologi




Prof. Dr. Syamsuardi, M.Sc

Koordinator Pasca Biologi




Prof. Dr. Dahelmi

Koordinator Pasca Biologi


2017- Sekarang


Dr.Jabang Nurdin, M.Si

Ketua Prodi S2 Biologi



Read 7780 times Last modified on Selasa, 28 Februari 2023 15:47